(he) bought it - translation to ρωσικά
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(he) bought it - translation to ρωσικά

I.L.B.T.s; You Bought It You Name It; I Can Play That Rock and Roll; I Can Play That Rock & Roll; I Like Big Tits; Theme From Island Weirdos; You Bought It, You Name It; You Bought It - You Name It

(he) bought it      
[сл.] (он) умер; (ему) не повезло
HE; He (disambiguation); H.E.; H.e.; He.; HE (disambiguation); H E; He's; He (language)
HE I high explosive noun взрывчатое вещество II His Eminence noun Его Преосвященство III His Excellency; Her Excellency noun Его (Ее) Превосходительство
HE; He (disambiguation); H.E.; H.e.; He.; HE (disambiguation); H E; He's; He (language)




(лат. Helium), Не, химический элемент VIII группы периодической системы, атомный номер 2, атомная масса 4,002602, относится к благородным газам; без цвета и запаха, плотность 0,178 г/л. Сжижается труднее всех известных газов (при -268,93 °С); единственное вещество, которое не отвердевает при нормальном давлении, как бы глубоко его ни охлаждали. Жидкий гелий - квантовая жидкость, обладающая сверхтекучестью ниже 2,17 К (-270,98 °С). В небольшом количестве гелий содержится в воздухе и земной коре, где он постоянно образуется при распаде урана и других ?-радиоактивных элементов (?-частицы - это ядра атомов гелия). Значительно более распространен гелий во Вселенной, напр., на Солнце, где он впервые был открыт (отсюда название: от греч. helios - Солнце). Получают гелий из природных газов. Применяют в криогенной технике, для создания инертных сред, в аэронавтике (для заполнения стратостатов, воздушных шаров и др.).


You Bought It – You Name It

You Bought It – You Name It is the sixth studio album by the American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Joe Walsh. The album was released in mid 1983, on the label Warner Bros., two years after Walsh's successful album There Goes the Neighborhood. It was Walsh's second and final studio album to feature George "Chocolate" Perry as producer.

The album was received negatively by the majority of music critics, while other reviewers noted good points to the album. It was also not as successful as Walsh's previous albums, peaking at #48 on the Billboard 200. However, Walsh found some moderate success with the single "Space Age Whiz Kids", about the pinnacle of the 1980s video arcade craze. The single peaked at #52 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, and at #21 on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. An outtake from The Long Run, "Told You So" features a guest appearance from former Eagles' member Don Felder (who also co-wrote the track). The album also features contributions from two other Eagles' members Don Henley, and Timothy B. Schmit, as well as country singer-songwriter Michael Martin Murphey, session guitarist Waddy Wachtel, and the drummer Joe Vitale from Walsh's former band Barnstorm.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για (he) bought it
1. A customer insisted the vendor cut open the watermelon before (he) bought it.
2. He bought it back in the ‘30s during the Depression and started farming it.
3. He bought it brand new in 2006 when gas prices were much lower.
4. The man (he) bought it from last night spoke of his shock at the find.
5. His much talked about Porsche was six years old and (he) bought it after selling a property.
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